Back In Black

So you’re possibly wondering where the hell I’ve been the last month (or in equal likelihood you haven’t noticed I’ve been gone at all).   Well, the excuse I’m choosing to give is “technical difficulties” even though the real reason is a lack of inspiration coupled with a very strenuous workload.

Lots of things are going on, and they’re going so well I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop.  I plan to get back into more regular updates of this website, as well as starting to spill details of just what I have been working on since 2011 began.

In the meantime, I encourage all of you to visit Tuning in to SciFi TV who recently hosted an hour long podcast review and discussion of STONEHENGE APOCALYPSE, which featured yours truly as guest of honor/guy in hot seat.  It’s a fun listen and a much better use of your time than work and all that nonsense.