So when January began I had every intention of just posting links to the first episode of The Celluloid Heroes Podcast. Then the great David Lynch had the audacity to ascend to a higher spiritual plane, prompting the most recent posting about Lynch, Lost Highway, and his extraordinary influence on my life and career.
If you haven’t yet read it you will find it, well, here:
Now back to semi-regular programming.
Celluloid Heroes: The Prologue Episode and Episode One are now live on Spotify. More platforms will be added in the coming weeks.
The Prologue Episode is something of a “Mission Statement” for the Podcast. It’s an overall summary of what I plan to do with the show, the films I plan to cover, and other ephemera. It’s short and sweet at around 15 minutes of your day.
Next, is the first full episode:
CHAPTER 1: 2001 A Space Odyssey
Every story has a journey and the Celluloid Heroes story begins with a fateful trip to the Ontario Place Cinesphere to see – for the first time – one of the greatest films of all time: Stanley Kubrick’s 2001 A Space Odyssey. This is more or less the format you will find the show occupy, with each episode running 30-40 minutes in length overall.
I am also including some of the YouTube clips I sourced for this episode to compliment the main show.
Here’s Ontari-Ari-Ari-O:
Here’s Ontario Place (It’s All Yours)
And here is the theatrical release trailer for 2001: A Space Odyssey
As mentioned previously, I am stepping away from regular updates for this website so I may focus on the podcast. I will post announcements and show notes here monthly though, and do have a couple of longer-form updates and blog posts through this coming year.
Your comments on Celluloid Heroes are always appreciated, as is your liking/subscribing/all that stuff. You may comment here or on the Spotify page.
And here’s a preview for next month’s episode. I’ll see you then.
Great first episode Brad. Very listenable! I’m sure you’ll have a lot to say about Star Wars as well.
I don’t have a Spotify account but I do listen to Apple Podcasts. Any chance you’ll show up there?
Great stuff Brad, listened to both the prologue and the first episode. Will these be updated on the regular and are you going to bring any guests on? Hope to hear about some Canadian films too.
Bill – I will indeed. That’s next episode and it takes us back to 1977. Fun stuff.
Matt – yes it will roll out to other services in the next month. As I’m doing all this myself there are multiple steps to go through. Spotify is quite easy to use and upload shows. The others take a little more effort.
Mike – yes, updated monthly. And I will include some Canadian films as well (though it won’t be until the 1990s I reach that era. Pre-90 it was difficult to even see most Canadian films in the theater given how limited their theatrical releases were. I myself had to see many of them on video because they never reached my part of the Country. And as Celluloid Heroes is all about the theatrical movie-going experience you can see where difficulties arise.